One of my favourite motto has to be: "there is always a plan B". And in truth I have always tried to be one step ahead of my life and make sure I have options available whatever happens. In itself nothing wrong, in fact I can say this attitude has served me well untill now.
But I'm starting to have the feeling plan B might be holding me back from putting all my heart into plan A, from being able some day to live from music.
So here is a new motto which I'm trying to keep in mind: "freedom is more important than security". And to show that I'm ready to walk the talk, I have just turned down a job offer as marketing director for an iconic Austrian brand (hints for the Austrians - it is sweet and sold in a pink packaging).
For the first time in my life, I feel that I'm ready to walk into the unknown. I've never been as excited ... and terrified. Am I throwing the career I took so long building into the wind ?
But the wind in my face is also here to remind that to reach your dreams, all you need to do is spread your wings and dare to fly ...